3016 Norma Lane Shreveport, Louisiana.


The Ultimate Event Planning Checklist: A Step-By-Step Guide

Can you picture yourself in the role of an event planner, charged with the duty of executing a successful event? You need a thorough plan because just thinking about it can cause dizziness.

An event planning checklist is more than just an inventory of things you must finish before the deadline or feel overwhelmed. It is a well-organized outline of the measures you must follow to make sure your event goes off without a hitch. By creating and using an event schedule, you can lessen the possibility of experiencing delays, unexpected costs, and other variables that could make or break your big day.

Pre-Event Planning Checklist

The key to a successful event is planning. Before you start, it’s important to know what you want to do. This list will show you the most important steps to take when planning your event.

  1. Determine the event’s purpose and goals: Establish the event’s purpose and objectives before you do anything else. It’s critical to comprehend why you are planning the event and what you expect to accomplish. All of your future choices regarding the occasion will be influenced by this. 
  2. Create a budget and allot resources: After you have a firm grasp on the objectives and purpose of the event, you must create a budget that accounts for all the expenses related to planning the event. This covers everything from food and location leasing fees to marketing costs and employee wages.
  3. Set the event’s date, time, and place: These three elements are all crucial in determining the event’s performance in terms of participation and total impact. Selecting a time and place that is approachable and handy for your intended audience is essential. 
  4. Find reliable vendors and suppliers: You’ll need to collaborate with many vendors and suppliers to pull off a successful gathering. Catering services, audiovisual device leasing businesses, and event labor firms may all fall into this category.
  5. Make a website for your event and a marketing strategy: A website and marketing plan are important for advertising your event and creating interest and participation. Your website should include all pertinent information about the event and make it simple for people to register or purchase seats. Your marketing strategy should consist of methods for promoting the event, such as social media ads and email marketing efforts. 
  6. Plan transportation and lodging: If your event needs participants to journey out of town, planning transport and place ahead of time is critical. This could include reserving hotel accommodations or organizing transportation services from the airport to the gathering location.
  7. Acquire the required licenses and permits: Based on the type of gathering you are hosting, you may need to apply for licenses or permits from the local government or other governing organizations. Permits for item sales and quick culinary services can fall under this category.

During Event Planning Checklist

Planning and organizing the event’s arrangements and schedule should be your top priority in the days leading up to it. Ensuring everything runs smoothly means taking care of details like the final visitor list, the event timetable, and the readiness of all contractors and suppliers. 

To ensure that everything goes off without a hitch during the event, it’s essential to explicitly delegate tasks to the various members of the staff and the helpers who will be helping out. The enrollment process, vendor coordination, and control of audiovisual resources are all examples of possible roles here.

Here’s what during event planning checklist covers:

  1. Finalize the event’s schedule and logistics: You should complete all the preparations as the event approaches. This covers details like the final visitor roster, any event timetable alterations, and ensuring all wholesalers and purveyors are ready. 
  2. Give roles and responsibilities to staff and volunteers: It’s critical to allocate roles and responsibilities to all staff and volunteers to ensure that everything functions efficiently during the event. This could involve deciding who will control enrollment, work with suppliers, and oversee the AV apparatus.
  3. Conduct rehearsals and run-throughs: Practice and work through possible situations in advance to ensure that everything runs easily on the big day. This can help ensure that everyone knows their role and can also help identify issues before they worsen.
  4. Set up and decorate the event space: In the days building up to the event, prepare the location by putting it up and adorning it. Based on the circumstances, this could include putting up tables and chairs, decorating, and tidying.
  5. Check that everything is in functioning order: The extent and sort of equipment and technology used to assist an event can differ greatly. It is critical to ensure that this equipment is in excellent functioning order and that any issues are resolved ahead of time.
  6. Provide food and beverages: Depending on the sort of event, you may need to provide beverages for visitors. This can range from a casual cup of coffee to a serious sit-down supper.
  7. Implement safety and security measures: Finally, it is critical to implement safety and security measures during the meeting to ensure the welfare of all participants. Employing security officers, implementing baggage checks, and ensuring that all entries are clearly designated and readily accessible are just a few instances of what this could involve.

Post-Event Planning Checklist

Planning for after an event is just as important as planning for before it. Before, during, and after your event, you want to make sure you’ve done everything you can to make it a success. Here are a few things to think about after your event:

  • Follow up with sponsors and vendors
  • Send thank you notes
  • Survey attendees for feedback
  • Archive all content from the event
  • Plan for the next event


There are a lot of things that can go awry when organizing an event, so it’s important to take your time. This is the guide you need if you’re in control of organizing a gathering right now or if you’ll shortly be in that position. Even though managing a party or other meeting is difficult, it is possible to make any event memorable with sufficient preparation. You can host a terrific celebration for your guests if you adhere to the guidance in this guide.