3016 Norma Lane Shreveport, Louisiana.


6 Skills to Become The Best Event Planner

A great event planner is someone who combines a variety of skills to create memorable experiences for their clients. Integrating entertainment options such as partnering with the best international casinos can elevate virtual events, providing a unique and engaging experience for attendees.

Success in event planning is not just about being organized; it’s about understanding people, managing time effectively, and always being prepared to learn. Here are six crucial skills that are foundational to becoming an outstanding event planner.

Be Friendly and Engaging

A friendly demeanour is essential in event planning. This quality helps make clients and vendors feel at ease from the very first meeting. Exhibiting warmth through a smile, maintaining eye contact, and engaging in a relaxed yet professional manner are key. Dressing appropriately for different occasions also contributes to making a good impression.

Excel at Listening

Being a good listener is critical. The initial meeting with a client is an opportunity to learn about their vision for the event as well as personal details that may influence the planning process. Remembering and incorporating these details later can show your dedication and attention to their needs. Effective listening ensures the event reflects the client’s desires, making it truly their own.

Be Budget Conscious

Keeping an event within its budget is one of the most critical skills for an event planner. This not only ensures the financial success of the event but also builds trust with your clients. Here are some strategies to effectively manage budgets:

  1. Detailed Budget Planning: Start with a comprehensive budget plan that outlines all potential expenses. This should include venue, catering, entertainment, decorations, and any other vendor costs.
  1. Prioritize Expenses: Work with your client to prioritize expenses. Determine what aspects of the event are most important and allocate funds accordingly.
  1. Seek Multiple Quotes: Always seek multiple quotes for services to ensure you are getting the best value. This can also give you leverage in negotiating prices.
  1. Track Spending: Keep a detailed record of all expenditures and regularly compare them to your initial budget. This helps identify any potential overspending early on.
  1. Plan for Contingencies: Include a contingency fund in your budget for unexpected expenses. A general rule of thumb is to allocate 5-10% of your total budget for this purpose.

Being budget-conscious means more than just keeping costs down. It involves creative problem-solving to deliver the best possible event within the financial parameters set by your client. 

This skill demonstrates your respect for the client’s resources and your ability to deliver exceptional value.

Stay Organized

The organization is non-negotiable in event planning. Managing multiple vendors and ensuring everything runs smoothly on the day requires meticulous planning and coordination. 

Utilizing tools like spreadsheets can help keep track of details and share information with everyone involved. Distributing schedules to vendors and assistants ensures everyone is informed and can follow the plan accurately.

Remain Calm Under Pressure

The ability to stay calm under pressure is invaluable. The final moments before an event starts are often the most stressful, but keeping a cool head can help ensure that everything comes together as planned. Being a calming influence can also reassure clients and vendors, helping to manage any last-minute issues that arise.

Commit to Continuous Learning

The event planning industry is dynamic, with new trends and technologies emerging regularly. To stay competitive and innovative, a commitment to continuous learning is essential. Here are several ways to keep learning and growing professionally:

  • Attend Industry Conferences: These are great opportunities to network, learn from seasoned professionals, and discover new trends and technologies.
  • Participate in Online Courses: Online platforms offer courses in various aspects of event planning, from the basics to advanced niche topics.
  • Stay Updated with Publications: Regularly read industry publications, blogs, and newsletters to stay informed about the latest trends and best practices.
  • Join Professional Associations: Being part of professional event planning associations can provide access to exclusive resources, educational tools, and networking opportunities.
  • Experiment with New Ideas: Apply what you learn by experimenting with new ideas in your events. This hands-on experience is invaluable and can set you apart from your competition.

Continuous learning is about expanding your knowledge and skills to enhance your creativity, efficiency, and ability to solve problems.


Becoming a great event planner involves more than just checking tasks off a list. It requires a blend of interpersonal skills, financial savvy, organizational prowess, emotional intelligence, and a commitment to ongoing education. 

By focusing on these six areas, aspiring event planners can set themselves up for a successful career filled with rewarding experiences and happy clients.